Other types of sapphires can be found in Thailand as well. Color change sapphires in particular can be discovered in Thailand and Tanzania. Sapphires are found all around the globe including Eastern Australia, China, Madagascar, and Montana in the United States. From blue to purple, green to gray-green, and pink to reddish-violet, these stones are rare and hard to come by thus making them valuable and prestigious. This variety displays various colors in different lighting. This last type of sapphire is comparable to a chameleon diamond, which is a natural color diamond that changes colors, hence the name. For instance, there are yellow sapphires, white sapphires, purple sapphires, star sapphires, and there are even color change sapphires.

While stunning blue sapphires certainly do exist and are quite popular, many other colors and forms of sapphires do as well. Anyone who thought a sapphire was simply a blue gemstone could not be more wrong.